Blossom Midges

Blossom Midges

Blossom Midge

Blossom midges are little, gnat-sized flies. Due to their small, flies are difficult to spot, so keep an eye out for any harm they may cause. Inside of unopened flowers, midge larvae eat. This can cause the flower to never open, give rise to distorted blossoms, and harm the petals. Unopened flowers can fall to the ground.

Because the larvae are inside the galls or buds, where the insecticide can't reach them, gall or blossom midges are difficult to manage using insecticides. Removing the infected plant parts and picking up any buds or other plant parts that fall to the ground is the best way to control an infestation.

Never compost plant matter that has been infected. Instead, burn the trash after carefully bagging it.


Treatment of all pest attack starts with the following:

  • If you find a new pest, be sure to identify it correctly. Different pests require different control methods.
  • Chemical treatment with the following on all plants in your collection.

When symptoms are detected, spraying with a pesticide such as the following are effective :

  • Chemical name: Flubendiamide (Brand name: Fame)
  • Dosage: 0.5ml per litre of water

Spray the following chemical on the ground:

  • Chemical name: Thiamethoxam 25% WG (Brand name:  Click)
  • Dosage: 1ml per litre of water

Spray 3 rounds 3 days apart to fully eliminate the pest. Spray the plants early morning and keep the plants dry after the spraying. Don't water the plants same day spray treatment is done.  

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