Beginners Workshop for Growing and Flowering Healthy Orchids at Home

Have you ever aspired to grow orchids?

Orchids are one of the most beautiful flowers on earth and growing them is an amazing experience. However there are a lot of myths or misconceptions associated with this wonderful flora, and this can prevent you from experiencing the romance of orchids. Start with the basics in this workshop where you will be introduced to the family of Orchids and learn the basic techniques to maintain and grow healthy orchids at home.

The workshop covers the following:

  • Basics of Orchids
  • Growing Conditions in General
  • Watering
    • Nutrients for Orchids
    • Repotting
      • How to choose the potting medium?
      • How to decide the pot size and type? 
      • Demonstration of repotting

    Programme :

    • Registration of participants
    • Brief Introduction about Orchid-Tree
    • Session
    • Interaction with the participants
    • Feedback from the participants

    Workshop Date: Saturday, 9th November 2019
    Venue: Orchid-Tree (click here for the directions)
    Time11.00am to 1.00pm

    Registration Fee: Rs. 1000/-

    Registration: Registration Closed for 9th November.  Please register your name on the following link to get notified of the upcoming workshop Click here


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